Buffalo Bore test
I finally shot some of the Buffalo Bore Heavy .38 +P loads this weekend.
I was doing crime scene reconstruction project (more on that, later) with friend Eric when I decided to shoot some out of the Model 36 (steel frame) Chief 2".
At 10 yards, firing SA, I achieved this group, from standing:

I reloaded, turned to my left, and shot two steel pipes on the far left edge of the target area, DA. I was gratified to see the smaller pipe, which only weighed about 5 lbs and was hit higher up, tumble off the cinder block that they were perched on. You can see the bullet splashes of the soft lead on the steel pipes, circled:
DA with this out of a little gun is not very pleasant. It isn't something to whine about, but it's not a pleasure, either. The main ache came from the bottom of the inside of the trigger guard slamming against the underside edge of my trigger finger, with the rapid muzzle rise from recoil. Could I get through a 50 round course of fire with it, firing double action? Yes. But I wouldn't much care for it. Aw, well. It works, and I'm happy with it. If it runs anywhere near the published 1000 fps for a 158g bullet out of a 2" revolver, it's pretty impressive.
I think I'll order some of the non +P heavy .38 loads for my Airweight M37.
You've convinced me... I'm going to try them in my 637 when I get home.
Range report will follow when I get the chance.
I've got +P in my 642 and they hurt like hell with that titanium frame.
Those are some great groups for rapid fire.
Please don't misunderstand me, though, Hammer: The first one was slow fire, single action. The M-36 has a bobbed hammer, which I start back with the DA trigger before thumbing it back to full cock. It's snag-free, and safe to do, once you get the hang of it.
But still, it was at a mere 10 yards. I do feel secure that I could take head shots at 25 feet, though, which is handy to know.
Glad they work for you, Matt. Has your Dad shot any of his?
Try a set of Crimson Trace grips on your snubby, too. I find that in low light, with mine, I can do headshots at out to 50 yards if I do my part (and adjust ye little olde red dot to the point of impact).
Looking forward to your comparative impressions of the non +P loads.
Please post your shooting results after loading the M37. I've got one'a those and am always interested in improving the package. Currently using Federals.
Considering what it will take to get a box of ammunition here, I look forward to a shooting report.
Ketchikan, AK
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