Now Extinct.

Damned shame.
As really fresh tea is hard to get around here, I may have to purchase a green bottle before the day is through, in homage.
Labels: crime, History, strong drink
If you don't draw yours, I won't draw mine. A police officer, working in the small town that he lives in, focusing on family and shooting and coffee, and occasionally putting some people in jail.
Labels: crime, History, strong drink
'Tis a crying shame. I hate to see history destroyed. There's something very precious about it. about ready to post our crossover story? We're waaaaiiitiiiiinnnngggg....;)
Go back to what you were doing.
I gotta get some sleep. Hopefully will finish tonight, kiddo.
Kiddo - and I'm older than you :) Heh heh heh.
That's bloody awful. The Cutty Sark? You can't put a price on a piece of history like that.
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You have NO idea how much this ticks me off.
BBC now reports that all may not be lost. The C.S. was in dock for a 6M pound (sterling) refurbishing, and had all of its superstructure stripped down. They were going to pickle the iron frame. The figurehead, the masts, the upper wooden decks, side-planking-- all were safe. The clipper may possibly be rebuilt.
The wood that they were going to remove & replace could have been sawed into chunks and sold to help defray the costs of the resoration, as with HMS Victory.
Sad. :(
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