And what IS it about the Stevens Model 56 .22 LR Rifle?!?
I continue to be amazed at how the number one single hit for referrals to my blog is for "Stevens Model 56," "M56 Stevens," and ".22 Stevens 56."
Well, look here:

You oughta see how simple and crummy the trigger is.
You oughta see the rough bolt on this thing.
But then again...
Well, the sights on my specimen are just really, really nice:
Diopter rear sight.
Pinhole front sight.
Maybe this thing's older than I thought. I'm not even finding a serial number on it. All I have are the roll markings:

Interesting. Older than you thought? Mere curiosity: About what age would you estimate? (See below.)
My only reference work within easy reach that speaks to that firearm is GunTrader's Guide Twentyfifth Edition, Stoeger Publishing Co., 2002. On p. 364, it shows:
"BUCKHORN MODEL 056 BOLT-ACTION ..... NIB $188 Ex $150 Gd $102
Takedown. Caliber: 22LR, Long, Short. 5-shot detachable box magazine. 24-inch bbl. Weight: 6 lbs. Sights: receiver peep, open middle, hooded front. Sporting stock w/pistol grip ahd black forend tip. Made 1935--48."
The BUCKHORN MODEL 56 is same as the 056 except with open rear sight and plain bead front sight.
The BUCKHORN MODEL 055 is same as the 056 except is a single-shot.
Just in case this info might prove useful . . . .
When I was a kid in the fifties ..maybe eight or nine years old..I was given a used Stevens .22 semi-automatic that was a sweet shooting rifle..but it only performed well with long rifles. I had a Stevens single shot bolt that I liked because it would shoot the shorts and they were a lot cheaper
Boy, those were different times.
Shorts cost every bit as much as LRs these days.
JPG, I figured mid-1950s.
I have one of these rifles I bought 30 years ago for a squirrel gun. It has a receiver sight and a post front. It spent many years in the field with me and my father-in-law when we hunted as a team. If they were runnin', he'd shoot with the shotgun. If they were sittin' it was my shot with the rifle. :)
It even has a bulged barrel courtesy of some previous owner.
I'm looking for a magazine for mine. That's how I got here!
I too am looking for a magazine for the Stevens model 56 .22 rifle. If anyone knows of a place to purchase one please let me know.
Found this while researching the Stevens model 56. Left column near the bottom both 5 and 10 round mags for $25 & $30
Found this while researching the Stevens model 56. Left column near the bottom both 5 and 10 round mags for $25 & $30
For a magazine, 5 or 10 shot for our model 56 rifles go to Bob's Gun Shop on the net. I just ordered one.
Cush, Wilmington, DE
I googled stevens+model 56 hoping to get information about serial number location and ended up here where I'll post another comment on your site adding to the allure of the "Stevens hits".
if your looking for a clip numrich has them for 21.90 each i just ordered one . they have all kinds of parts for that gun.
I am looking to purchase a couple o magazine for a Stevens Model 56 bolt action 22 cal. I have had this gun since a was a boy but recently have lost the magazines that I had for it. I want to pass the gun to my grandchild but I need the magazines. If anybody knows where I can purchase a couple of them please contact me at Thanks
i have a mod.56 with 9 in 1 sights? original cloth case, clip,mtg. tags etc. thinking of selling.
How much? And where are you?
Where is the serial# on the model 56 22 LR
Any info on when the model 56 bolt action rifles were made? From what year to when discontinued?
Does anyone know when the model 56 rifles were made? From what year first manufactured until stopped?
Does anyone know when the model 56 rifles were made? From what year first manufactured until stopped?
Does anyone know when the model 56 rifles were made? From what year first manufactured until stopped?
Does anyone know when the model 56 rifles were made? From what year first manufactured until stopped?
Does anyone know when the model 56 rifles were made? From what year first manufactured until stopped?
Does anyone know when the model 56 rifles were made? From what year first manufactured until stopped?
Does anyone know when the model 56 rifles were made? From what year first manufactured until stopped?
Does anyone know when the model 56 rifles were made? From what year first manufactured until stopped?
Does anyone know when the model 56 rifles were made? From what year first manufactured until stopped?
Does anyone know when the model 56 rifles were made? From what year first manufactured until stopped?
From what I read, they were made from 1938 to 1948. I have a Buckhorn with diopter sight that we used to shoot with Dad in the 60's at our hunting camp in Pennsylvania. Good times; me, my sister and my Dad having target contests, and then going deer spotting in our pjs. I went to summer camp in 1969, and won 'best shot' from the practice my Dad had given us.
I'm trying to find the diopter site for my model 056 that came without one made by Lyman I believe. If anyone knows the Lyman model number please let me know.
I have to agree. My grandparents gave me one for my 10th birthday. Clip is very worn now but I guess they do exist out there accoording to previous posts. Glad to know.
I don't know about any of other replies but my Model 56 was given to my father around 1934 at the age of 12 years and was handed down to me in 1968 st the age of 12. I subsequently bequeathed it to my two sons but,unfortunately, have no idea where it went after the divorce--LOL
I had 5 shot mag, was fitted with blade sight,and included an optional diopter sight set.
I have this same gun, I bought it at an auction a couple years ago. I love it, it shoots true and in a tight group. I had the firing pin break when I was out squirrel hunting about a year ago and I have had trouble finding parts for it. Would any body happen to know of a web site that has parts?
Use a nail to replace the firing pin
Try bobs guns online
Bobs guns online. Same w replacement magazines. My fireing pin just broke too
I got my Model 56 from my father-in-law. He said it was his uncle's and it was an Army training rifle for WWII. Don't know how factual that is. Has anyone tried the after-market magazines yet from the suggested websites? I need one too.
I purchased a Stevens 56 that came with 2 new magazines from numerich, those magazines do not fit. So if anyone has any ideas I am looking for one. Also, looking for the diopter sight. email is
I bought a nice looking 56 today. Surprised to see there is no safety. The receiver peep is missing but the barrel sight is there. Examining the bolt if I let the hammer down slowly the firing pin protrudes. If the bolt were in the gun it would be resting on a cartridge. I see no safe way to carry the rifle with a round in chamber. Sitting waiting for a squirrel to show round in chamber hammer down would be ok. Pull it back and shoot. Definitely not a beginners or youth rifle. Thanks, Augie
Most clips for the Mod56 will not fit the Buckhorn
Hello, has anyone been able to find a side mount for their Steven's model 56? I have been searching and done many Trials and errors trying to find the right scope mount.
They dont have one
They do not have one
I need a bolt assembly for my Stevens peerless model 56
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