Coffee Cup MeMe
Well, a LONG time ago, my new pal Breda tapped me out for her little coffee cup meme. I told her at the time that I had taken the picture. I just now stumbled across it. Sadly, this is exactly the kind of coffee cup that I drink about a pot of coffee a night with:

Let's see what JPG is drinking out of. Oh, and John Shirley. And my pal Tamara. And, uh, LawDog, who's got hot tea in his mug. (But he seems to avoid clotted cream in it.) No fair picking a special mug-- this is a come-as-you-are party. (Or in my case, come-as-I-was.)
Labels: Coffee, day at the office
wasn't that, like, 100 years ago in blog years?
Got it. My reply is already up, and I MAY have solved illustration problem.
;) thinx Tam is the one who inspired the meme.
LOL- Ye old styrofoam cup! At least yours has a logo and a lid :-)
I drink from the gilded skulls of my enemies.
So show us, already, C.P. Consider yo'self tapped.
And BTW, I believe I did tangental battle with your enemies today, at the feed store. White board proclaimed: "Flats of large tomatoe plant's, $20 ea.!"
It only took the quick swipe with the edge of my thumb to knock off the extraneous E and apostrophe.
In so doing, you earned another star in the crown you'll wear in Heaven!
I'll post mine later today.
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